Diamond Core Bits


Diamond coring bits are great for cutting larger holes through concrete. The bits create a clean, professional cut for installation of manholes, utility boxes, etc. or getting through to sample soils underneath.

SIZE Daily Weekly Monthly
4″ $65 N/A N/A
6″ $75 N/A N/A
8″ $85 N/A N/A
8.25″ $85 N/A N/A
10″ $95 N/A N/A
14.25″ $110 N/A N/A
16″ $150 N/A N/A
  • Diamond coring bits range in size from 3″-16″
  • 3″ or 4″ bits can be used with the hand held DD130 Drill and larger bits must be used with the M-1 upright drill
  • A water supply is needed for either application


  • 3″
  • 4″
  • 6″
  • 8″
  • 8.25″
  • 10″
  • 14″
  • 16″

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