Payment & Credit Terms

Accepted Methods of Payment:

Credit Terms:

  • Lessor’s credit terms are Net 30
  • It is expressly understood and agreed that these terms are part of the contract between the parties and applies to all Invoices supplied by Lessor.
  • It is agreed the buyer/Lessee will pay all invoices within the stated terms.
  • In the event Lessee’s account is not paid according to these terms, Lessee agrees to pay a SERVICE CHARGE OF 1.5% per month on the principal balance during the term of the delinquency. All service charges must be paid along with the full amount due.
  • If the account becomes more than 90 days delinquent and is placed in collection, Lessee agrees to pay all costs of collection including reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs.

Open Accounts:

  • Lessees with an approved credit line will be extended Net 30 terms.
  • Accounts more than 30 days past due will be put on hold until account is brought current.
  • Accounts more than 90 days past due will lose their open account status and must pay with credit card in advance on all future orders.

Returned Checks:

  • Lessee agrees that returned checks will be assessed a $25.00 service charge.

Product Returns:

  • Returned Sales merchandise will not be accepted without first contacting Lessor. All returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee and must be unused and in original packaging.

Sales Tax:

  • Lessor is required to charge state sales tax in Pennsylvania and select states depending on their current Nexus laws.
  • Lessor will honor Tax Exemption Forms for Lessees able to provide copies of their forms at the time of their rental or purchase.