Voss SingleSample® Disposable Pressurized Bailer
The SingleSample® pressurized disposable bailer system is designed to provide an easy method for filtering metal samples in the field.
- The SingleSample® pressurized disposable bailer uses threaded fitments on each end that are attached using a special heat bonding process to provide a full circumferential seal. Each bailer comes with a barbed hose adapter for attaching the pump to the bailer, and adapter with a special notched thread that is used with any of the filters or removal devices to displace the ball and establish flow, and a large barbed removal device for bottom emptying of sampling without filtering.
- Hand Pump with gauge provides easy pressurization in the field. Complete with tubing.
- VOC removal devise provides a slow sample flow for transfer to VOA vials without loss of VOCs.
- Rugged, high density, inert polyethylene
- Individually decontaminated with LiquinoxTM washing and DI water rinse
- Ready to use
- Non-reactive components
- Individually sealed packaging
- .75” PVC ball
- Approximately 1 liter capacity
- 36” overall length
- .031” wall
- 1.5” I.D.